Friday, November 18, 2011

A Year In Review

Friday the 18th marked the 1-year anniversary of the completion of my degree. It's weird enough to graduate. It's even weirder to have graduated a year ago. When I left college, I was completely exhausted and plans for the coming year aside from "move" and "get a job" weren't really taken into consideration. I have my momentum back and I am going to take this anniversary as an opportunity to review the past year and create goals to reach before next November 18th.

I've never conducted an annual review, so I have been referencing some of Ben Whitehair's posts from Playbills v. Paying bills (here and here) as well as his source, Chris Guillebeau here (includes a spreadsheet template for your own annual review) and here.

Looking Back
7 Auditions
1 Call-Back
1 Role

34 Blog Posts, including this one (approx. 1.6 per week)
Approaching 2,000 pageviews

?? Headshots dispersed (several hard copies and plenty of digital copies)

What Went Well
I did well this year to take advantage of opportunities (sometimes unexpected) that came my way, including my time as a camp counselor. During that time, I tapped into skills I didn't even know I had, leadership and working well with kids, which I hope to continue to develop. There is also something to be said for getting an acting job while living with my mom in the middle of nowhere. Not only am I proud of getting the role, I am also proud of my performance. While I was working on the show, I developed a strong relationship to the artistic director of the theatre and I think the relationships I've formed and maintained have been a highlight of the past year.

What Did Not Go Well
It has been a challenge to find ways to motivate myself to work at full capacity, knowing there's nowhere I need to be in the morning, no due dates, and no professors who's respect I want to earn. It's just been me, sans schedule and time restrictions and, while I have gotten some things done this year, the level of my productivity is disappointingly low. I also had every intention of being in Chicago by now, which may have been possible with better planning and budgeting. The extra time at home will inspire more restlessness, I think, but possibly also generate a little more money for when the time does come to move.

Looking Forward
Guillebeau suggests creating categories and setting 3 to 5 goals for each one. So here it goes:

Acting (artistic):
  • Read the rest of Shakespeare's plays.
  • See 15 plays.
  • Enroll in an acting class. (Auditioning?)
  • Bring monologue repertoire up to 10 total (5 classical and 5 contemporary). 
  • Journal every day. Yeah. Every day. I think about acting that often, therefore I can write about it that often. 
Acting (business):
  • Increase blog postings to twice a week, possibly add interviews and reviews.
  • Increase tweets to 2+/day
  • Send out mailings every quarter.
  • Send out professional email every quarter.
  • Create a budget and stick to it.
  • Set up retirement fund and contribute $20/month.
  • Set up credit.
Health and Fitness:
  • Run a 5k.
  • Flexibility--To be able to sit and bend at the hip with elbows resting between legs. To be able to hold bottoms of outstretched feet.
  • Join a soccer team.
  • Largely replace snacks with more protein and veggies and less salt and fat. (So this one's not really measurable. Whatever. You know what I'm sayin'.)

Friends and Family:
  • Send friends mail or goodies at least once a month.
  • Return home for Renaissance Fair and/or Christmas.
  • Date night with Chris once a week, even if we stay in.

 Other Jobs: 
  • Set up etsy site and have steady supplies of cards and coasters.
  • Put out advertisement for baby, pet, and house sitting every 2 weeks.
  • Add self to
Habits To Pick Up:
  • Knitting
  • Sewing
  • Get back to writing fiction and poetry. 
  • Driving (No, I still don't drive. Don't make fun of me.)
  • Paper crafts/Collage

I realize that some of these goals are subject to change, as I will soon be in a new city with new challenges and there will be a lot of adjusting in many aspects of my life. Many of the goals are created specifically for once I am settled in Chicago. I didn't quite make it there this year, but when people ask when I'm moving, I say "In the spring" or "April or May." I no longer preface my answer with "Hopefully" or end it with "...but we'll see." It has been set in motion. Another post coming soon about the steps I'm taking to prepare, but until then, let me know your goals for 2012 or in general!

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